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Leo Club of Aimst University (Omega) 1st Newsletter
LEO is a programme of The International Association of Lions Clubs. Lions club can provide training of youth by forming LEO clubs in local schools or community and continuously sponsoring it.
A Leo club is a group of young people banded together to promote service activities especially among the youths.
Leo club has being formed with a purpose to promote services activities among the youth of the communities which will develop the individual qualities of LEADERSHIP, EXPERIENCE and
Leo Club of AIMST University (Omega) is a university-based Leo Club whereby all our members are from this institution which is situated in the Bedong, a small town in the state of Kadah Darul Aman.
Our sponsoring Lions Club is the Lions Club of Kuala Muda. We are in District 308B2 Region 2. The club is being registered underthe university on 16th September 2010. We have just received the reply from Lions Club International regarding our application forthe formation of the club.
For this moment, Leo Club of AIMST University has about 50members. Our Lion Advisor is Lion Janjit Singh while Mr. Lim Yong Ching, a lecturer from the School of General andFoundation Studies (SGFS) is our teacher advisor.
Leo Club of AIMST University(Omega)’s Board of Directors:
- President: LEO TzeCheng Wong 017-8893781
- Vice President: LEO Amy Ting 012-8888719
- Secretary: LEO JiaNee Chang 017-4163799
- Asst. Secretary: LEO WeeChee Tan 016-6697366
- Treasurer: LEO ChuHan Chew 016-4347531
- Directors:
- Environmental Service: LEO Kobbiganivaarani 012-6049450
- Community Service:LEO Sindu a/p Mahenoran 014-9446805
- Health Service: LEO Surindran Kumar 017-6919516
- Personal Development: LEO Valene Tang 012-5155909
- Membership: LEO Alex Wong 014-9457793
- Fundraising: LEO YeanWen Ooi 017-4885505
- IT: LEO ShooYang Chor 012-6086653
- Public Relation: LEO WeiLin Wong 014-9011861
OC: Leo Wong Tze Cheng
On 5th October 2010, Leo Club of AIMST University (Omega) has called for the Annual General Meeting to establish the club in the university according to the constitution for clubs and societies provided by the university itself.The Annual General Meeting was attended by 45 members, together with some of the newcomers who are attracted to the flyers pasted around the campus. Together attending the meeting was our Lion Advisor, Lion Janjit Singh, President for our sponsoring Lions Club, Lion Dr. Harjinder Singh, as well as sponsoring Lions Club secretary, Lion Dr.Sanan. Our teacher advisor, Mr. Lim Yong Ching was also present for the same event.The meeting was called to order at8.00pm sharp. The Leo Pledge follows immediately. Then, a short introduction about Leo Club in general was given.Members were also being briefed about some of the upcoming projects of the club.Among the projects are the Green Green Campus Project, Visit to Old Folks Home and SPCA Penang and so on.
In the same time. members were also told that there will be a Leo T-shirt Designing Competition that will be held to decide on the choice of the design for the T-shirt for this club which is still in its infancy. It was then followed by the speech from lion Harjinder Singh and Lion Janjit Singh. The meeting was concluded at around 10.00pm by the speech from Mr.Lim Yong Ching.
OC: Leo KobbigaNivaarani
Leo Club of AIMST University had organized the Recycling Project 2010 since last year.It is an on-going project. This project officially started on 26th of November last year and was started in the library building.
Our planning is to create a Recycling Centre in AIMST University and our first step was by having recycling bins in the Library building. We are planning to widen our scope to the cafeteria, Medical building, Dental building and Administration Building this year.
The purposes of this project were:
- To create awareness among students about recycling.
- To encourage staffs and students to recycle.
- To do our part to save the resources on earth.
- To raise fund for our club activities which are charity based.
OC: Leo Wong Wei Lin
5th December is the official Leo Day which will be celebrated by Leo Clubs all around the world. As Leo Club of AIMST University (Omega) is just newly formed, we feel that it is essential for us to get back to the basic, that is, to serve and contribute back to the community. In parallel to this aim, we have chosen to visit Tan Xiang Shi Yuan Old folks Home in conjunction with the celebration.
The event started at 8.45 am, where all members gather at the cafeteria to have a light breakfast before departure.At around 9.15 a few selected member begin loading the provision collected to be donated to the old folk’s home to the vehicles. After that, the delegation departed from AIMST University at9.30 a.m. With a journey of 30 minutes,we arrive at the destination.The first activity was a brief introduction regarding the background of the old folk’s home by the person in charge of running it. After that all members who were present were given a tour around the compound of the old folks home. The tour lasted for briefly around 1 hour.
At 11.00 am all the citizen of the old folk’s home were gathered at the great hall where a brief speech were given, follow by fellowship between the Leos and the old folks. A few performances were prepared by the club members. Interestingly, some of the old folks have even joined in when the Leos are actually performing.
Lunch was held at12.15pm, where the members were able to have their lunch together with the old folks who were present at that time.After lunch, it marks the end of the trip to the old folk’s home. Before we bid farewell to the old folks, a group photos of the members present on that day with the old folks.TRIP TO SPCA
OC: Leo Sindu a/p Mahenoran
In the spirit of Leo, about eleven of the AIMST University Leo Club members paid a visit to the Society of Prevention of Cruelty towards Animals (SPCA) on the morning of 11th of December 2010. We initially wanted to do volunteering tasks at the shelter, but was informed that only fully trained volunteers are allowed to walk and feed the dogs as well as clean the dog kennels and cat pens. Thus we had the full afternoon playing and interacting with our furry friends.
Once the tour was over, we had a short briefing from the caretakers of the place involving the work they do at the shelter and the issues faced by them. Mostly, the shelter was facing space issues whereby they can only afford to house a certain amount of animals at any given time. If a dog or cat isn’t adopted within a certain time period (usually 4-6 months) it would behumanely euthanized. Sadly, this is the sad truth of the strays in the shelter,some of which were lost pets whose owners could not be located or contacted.We hope with this visit, those who participated developed awareness of the reality of inhumane acts on animals, thus inculcating compassion towards these animals among Leos.The Leos were also exposed to the basics of running an animal shelter.. Most importantly, weintroduced the Leo club to SPCA Penang.
For those interested in donating or becoming volunteers,feel free to visit for learning ways you can lend a hand to the shelter, including volunteering opportunities.
Organizing Clubs: District 308B2 Region 1 Leo Clubs
In conjunction with the Leo Day 2010, Leo Club of Georgetown Mutiara, Penang has organized the M.A.D Eco Parade and Fiesta at Penang Times Square. The project was headed by Leo Kim Kek Teong. The event has started in 4th December 2010 and has ended on the next day. Among the events and activities conducted on that day were Leo Exhibition,Flea Market, Children Colouring Contest, Kids Talent Quest and Street Dance Competition. The climax of the whole celebration is the Leo Parade around the Georgetown on the 5th December 2010.Leo Club of AIMST University (Omega) isprivileged enough to be invited to join in this megacelebration. Due to the fact that there is already ahome project being carried out on the same day, we were only able to send a team of 6members to attend the event. The members that have attended the celebration include LeoWong Tze Cheng, Leo Amy Ting Li, Leo Chew Chu Han, Leo Valane Tang, Leo Ooi YenWen and Leo Winnie Lai. It surprised us to see such a big number of Leos attending theevent. As it is a region project, Leos have come even from Selangor and Perak to show their support.
We have reached PenangTimes Square around 8.30am. Uponcompleting the registration processand a short briefing, we were all setfor the parade. We have covered areaslike Komtar, Penang Road and so on.Along the journey, the Chingay anddrums which have accompanied ushave given us strong motivation tocontinue to stay fresh along the entire journey. To add to these, the ‘roaring’ and the eco costume of other Leos have motivated us. It took just a short moment for us to realize that we are already at the end of the parade whichhas actually taken more than an hour.At around 9.15am, we are back to Penang Times Square. A light breakfast was provided by the organizing committee. While waiting for the official opening ceremony of the event which is scheduled to start at 10.00am, we managed to have a walk around the Flea Market held together with the parade. It took us not long to realize that there was actually no plastic bags and polystyrene plates and cups used during the entire event.
Upon the arrival of the guest of honour, the officialceremony began with the national anthem. A few speecheswas delivered. Most of the speeches has touched on theconcept of Making A Difference (MAD). Lion Alan Thoohas even given the illustration on how a small step by everyMalaysian to just use 1 plastic bag less can have on theenvironment. The official ceremony was rounded off by theawards, souvenirs and certificates presentation to respectiveclubs that have participated.
After that, 6 of us from AIMSTUniversity managed to have a luncheon with OC Leo Lim Kek Teong togetherwith several Leos from Leo Club of Georgetown Mutiara, Leo Club of IPGPerlis and so on.LEO MEMBER’S ORIENTATION PROGRAM
OC: Leo Wong Tze Cheng
On 24th January 2011, Leo Club of AIMST University has success fully organized the Orientation Program under the Continuous Leo Development (CLD) program for the members. 40 members of the club has participated in the workshop and has taken the Orientation Test. The workshop was conducted by CLD Trainer, Leo Eliza Chia assisted by Leo Wah Si Sheng and Leo Foong Chee Keat. Also present on that day is the President for our sponsoring Lions Club, Lions Club of Kuala Muda.The workshop on that day began at around 8.00pm. a workshop was first conducted by Leo Eliza Chia. The workshop was conduction with an intention to expose members of the purpose, objectives, brief history,activities and many more about Leo Club.It has also served as a platform for the members to clarify their doubts about Leo Club with the Leo Cabinet Members of District 308B2. At around 9.15pm, the Orientation Test was conducted. At around10.00pm, the entire event marked its conclusion.Source: