AIMST University in collaboration with SIRIM STS Sdn Bhd conducted two programmes SIRIM Certified Quality Professional (SIRIRM CQP) and SIRIM Certified Business Continuity Management System Practitioner (SIRIM BCMS).
Mr. P.K. Karuna, Head of Centre for Life Long Learning has secured grant of RM 520,000 from Human Resource Development Fund under 1Malaysia Globally Recognized Industry and Professional Certification (1MGRIP) programme in September, 2015. The said training programmes were conducted in AIMST University.
SIRIM CQP programme started on 17th October, 2015 and completed on 25th March, 2016. A total of twenty (20) participants attended the training, where fourteen (14) were from external and six (6) were AIMST staff. All the candidates have successfully completed the programme.
SIRIM BCMS programme started on 18th December, 2015 and completed on 25th March, 2016. Total of twenty two (22) participants attended the training where fifteen (15) were AIMST staff and seven (7) were external participants. Total of 15 participants successfully completed the programme.
The certificate presentation ceremony was held at AIMST University on 26th August, 2016. The certificates were presented by Senior Professor Dr. M. Ravichandran, Chief Executive and Vice Chancellor of AIMST University and Dr Mohd. Azman Idris, Senior General Manager of SIRIM STS Sdn Bhd. This was the pioneer batch in Malaysia to be recognized as SIRIM CQP and BCMS.

Senior Professor Dr. M. Ravichandran, Chief Executive and Vice Chancellor of AIMST University, delivering his speech
Contributed by: Mr. P. K. Karuna, AIMST University, Malaysia.
Source: AIMST E-Bulletin Volume II Issue III (October 2016)