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Leo Club of Aimst University (Omega) 2nd Newsletter
Continuously we strive…
April 2011 Issue
Visit to Gurunatha Aasramam Orphanage
OC: Leo Wong Tze Cheng
Date : 26th of March 2011
Time : 8.00 am
Venue : Gurunatha Aasramam Orphanage
We have joined hands in order to create one special day for the children living in Gurunatha Aasramam Orphanage. The journey to the orphanage took around 30minutes. As we arrived, the caretaker, Miss Gurumatha welcomed us with open hands.We were invited into the orphanage by the children who were eager to see us. Since most of the children had to go to school only 12 children were present on that day. Before starting our program, the children and some of the members of theclub performed their morning Hindu prayers.
After that, Leo Wong Tze Cheng did a brief introduction and proceeds with the ice breaking session. Each member introduced themselves to the children. Leo Wong Wei Lin also prepared a game for the ice breaking session;King of the King. The children and the members bonded after a few rounds of the game.
We were also joined by Leos from the Leo Club of Sam Tet and Leo Alan Thoo. After the ice breaking session, we conducted two games for the children. The first one was the charade. The members and the children were divided into 3 groups. Each group was given an amount of plasticine. The idea of the game was to mould the plasticine into the objects that the other members of the group had to guess.
The second game was to build a chair using recyclable items given by the facilitators.This challenged the creativity of the children as well as the members that participated. The chair that was most stable was crowned as the winner.A few of the members also prepared a danceperformance especially for the children.
After the performance ended, the children also joined the dance floor and danced together with the members.Before departing, Leo Wong Tze Cheng handed over the donations that the members managed to gather for the orphanage to Miss Gurumatha. Miss Gurumatha suggested for us to come visit the orphanage again when all of the children are present.We were served juice before we went back.All the members bid farewell to the children
The Green Operation 1.0
OC: Leo Lee Yun Yan
Date & Time: 3/3/2011 ( 5-6pm ) &4/3/2011 ( 9-10am )
Venue: Hostel’s lobby
The Green Operation 1.0 was another project of the club that aims to create a greener campus. It was on the date when the April Batch 2010/11 Foundation in Science students leaves the university upon completion of the course.
Previously, it is observed that there is no proper way for students who will be leaving the university to dispose their unwanted recyclable items. However,things are different now when Leo Club and AMCF came together to successfully conduct the project.
To provide greater flexibility for the members, the project has been carried out for two day. All of the the members were divided into smaller groups and all these groups went around the hostels’ block to collect the recyclable items. It is a tiring but in the same time a fun process when the members are able to interact with each other. More importantly, some of us managed to create fellowship with members of AMCF.
On the second day, more items have been collected as students has dispose their recyclable items over the night. Luckily, more members has attended for the project on that day. Workshas been carried out very smoothly. Out of expectation, we actually received calls from some students to collect the recyclable items from their room.
After the collection, members gathered together to sort out and classify the items collected so that it will be easier for the sales to be done. All of the items were kept in the Orientation Hall ( storage for recyclable items ).
Moment of Silence for Japan
OC: Leo Wong Tze Cheng
Date: 13/4/2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: AIMST Administration Building
Recently, Japan was struck by a tsunami attack and many more unfortunate events consequently occurred.There were few more earthquakes and the nuclear plant exploded.This leads to the death of thousands of people. In conjunction to this, on13th of April 2011,MedSA and Leo club conducted ‘A moment of silence for Japan’.
The journey was filled with hurdles since the wind was blowing strong and protecting the flame of the candle was a challenge. Upon reaching, all of them were asked to remain silent for about 2minutes and pray for the victims. Later, the candles were placed on the ground forming the shape of the Japan flag.
Through this event, the students showed their encouragement for the survivors and offered their prayers and respect for the lives that have been sacrificed in the catastrophe.
Preparation started as early as 6.00 p.m. The committee members of the event started to arrange the candles on the floor. The arrangement was made in such a way that it spelled ‘PRAY 4 JAPAN’ including the flag of Japan as the outline. Flower pots located in front of the pond near the administration building was removed. Around 7.40 p.m. crowds started to gather in front of the study area. 5 minutes later, the candles
were lighted up bringing a beautiful work piece to life.Around 200people turned up for the event including the staff and lecturers of AIMST University to show their support.The candles were then distributed among the crowds and briefing was given by Dinesh Kumar about the agenda of the event. There were difficulties in lighting up the candles due to the strong wind that night. The crowds joined a short parade from study area to the admin building. During the 10 minutes parade, everyone kept silence as a sign of respect. After reaching the admin building, all the candles were blown off. Dinesh gave a brief speech mentioning about the people in Japan and encourage the crowds to show concern and respect. 2 minutes of moment of silence was observed among the crowds to offer their prayers and respect. The candles were placed on the floor to form the Japanese flag. Around8.45 p.m. the crowds together with the committee members started cleaning up the venue. The event ended at 9 p.m.
We truly hope from the bottom of our hearts that this does not happen to Japan or any other country again.
Earth Day 2011
OC: Leo Kobbiga Nivaarani Mariappan
Date: 22/4/2011 (Thrusday)
Time: Entire Day
Venue: AIMST University
On 22nd April every year, people around the world will celebrate a special occasion together.It is the Earth Day. Although it is less well known compared to the Earth Hour and the International Environment Day, its celebration will still certainly be one that will help the Earth to go greener and healthier.This is the first Earth Day celebrated by Leo Club of AIMST University (Omega) after its formation last year. This year, the club hope to do small things with sustainable effect for the environment. We have run a university-based campaign mainly to raise the awareness of the students about the need to do something for the environment and how easy it can actually be.The club hope that the effort being carried out will help to create a greener campus.There are three things in total that has been carried out by the club in conjunction with the celebration. The first thing is to encourage the students in the university to wear green or white on 22nd April to classes as well as walking around the campus. This will not help in creating a greener Earth but the reason we have done this is to let the students to have a sense of awareness that they still have the Mother Nature to take care of. Many students have responded to the request and have turned out white or green on that day. One of the students has mentioned that wearing green gave her a sense of participation in the campaign directly.
In the same time, we have also handed in the proposal to the university’s authority to instruct the university’s cafe, bookstore as well as grocery store to avoid giving out plastic bags on that day. The bookstore as well as the grocery store adhered to the request but it was a bit difficult for the cafe to do so as certain kind of foods especially those with gravy will require a plastic bag to contain.Nevertheless, the encouraging response from both the students as well as the store operators has helped to ensure that first more stumbling blocks are now being removed in the effort of the club to create a greener campus.
Not only that, the club has also decided to come up with a replica of the Earth Day celebrated about a month ago. We ran a campaign to let the students to switch off the lights in their own room from 8.30pm-9.30pm on that night. on checking by a few of the members of the club,the response from the students was much better than expected. We believe that this small step will help the participants to realise the need to conserve electricity. Many might not know how great the impact will it be by just conserving electricity at the individual level.Again, through this small act, we hope to help the members in taking baby steps to finally contribute to a greener campus and ultimately a greener Earth.
The Green Operation 2.0
OC: Leo Chew Chu Han
Date and Time: 1/4/2011 (4.30-6.00pm) & 2/4/2011 (8.30-11.00am)
Venue: AIMST Hostel Lobby
The Green Operation 1.0 conducted by the club when the April Batch2010/11Foundation in Science students leave the university upon completion of their course was a successful project.Thus, the club has came out with a similar project for the May batch students who will be leaving the university as well. The project was again carried out for two days to ensure that the yield from the project can help to enrich the club’s Project fund. We are thankful that the Tzu Chi Foundation has joined us for the project this time.
On the 1st April, the collection started at as early as 4.30pm on the first day. Members are gathered at the hostel lobby and a short briefing was given by the Organising Chairperson.After that, the participants were divided into small groups. Each group will be in charge of one block of the hostel’s apartment. They will be going up the block to check if any of the recyclable items were left outside of the students’ door for collection. In the same time, they will also ask house by house to check if they have any recyclable items to ‘dispose’. Besides that, two of the members were also stationed at the lobby to take in any recyclable items brought in by the hostellers. They will also be responsible in sorting out the recyclable items according to categories such as aluminium, bottles, papers and so on.
The collection for the first day ended at around 5.40pm. After sorting the items collected, the members have carried the items to the Orientation Hall for storage. The same effort was done on the second day as well. This time round, it is from 8.30 am till 11.00am. Although exhausted, many members said they enjoyed the process as they know that they are actually doing something for the environment. In the same time,stronger fellowship was build up among them. The items collected were sold on the next Monday when the gate pass from the university was issued to allow the collectors to enter the university and bring out all these items. This time round, the total yield was lower than The Green Operation 1.0 as the number of students in May Batch was fewer.
Nevertheless, we have seen that the awareness of the hosteller’s about the importance of
awareness has been increased. This will definitely help us further in our upcoming recycling projects.