This is the first time Aimst University sending out team to compete in FFVPM8 (Festival Filem Pelajar Malaysia ke-8) organised by FINAS (Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem Nasional Malaysia) and UUM (University Utara Malaysia)
Our Team, BEST (Brilliant Entertainment Studios), with video clip entry title “I Want To Be A Dentist” got nominated for 8 awards. The Filming of the video clip was completed in 3 days duration. It then took 2 weeks for an intensive post-production.
This video received 8 nominations (TOP 5 over 166 Videos) at FFVPM Ke-8;
- Best Editting (Aarons Rogers)
- Best Graphics (Pavithran)
- Best Art Direction (Yeoh Yen Nee)
- Best Costume (BEST Group Overall)
- Best Music (Gordon Giles Pereira)
- Best Sound (Gordon Giles Pereira)
- Best Director (Aarons Rogers)
- Best Video Clip (BEST Group Overall)
It is a record Breaking 8 nomination for 1st time entry by a non-multimedia University, which in par with 8 nomination for short film “Getir” by ASWARA (Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan).
Although facing strong competitor , we manage to won 2 awards (Best Graphics and Best Video Clip) on the prize giving on 5th March 2011.