ADSAlympics is an annual sports event held by the AIMST Dental Students’ Association at AIMST University, Kedah.
Sporting events for the third annual ADSAlympics are:
1. Cheerleading
2. Basketball
3. Swimming
4. Bowling
5. Dodgeball
6. Ping pong
7. Badminton
8. Futsal
9. Javelin
10. Amazing Race
11. Track
More Info :
The AIMST ADSAlympic 2010 Event:
Day 1 : Cheer leading & Basketball
Day 2 : Swimming
Day 3 : Bowling
Day 4 : Ping Pong
Day 5 : Badminton
ADSALympics 2010 Videos
Video Uploaded by jayelleenelial on Apr 18, 2010
ADSALympics 2010 Cheerleading: Batch 1 SHOCKERS
Cheerleading Competition
We got second place!!! :)
Cheerleading Competition HD
– Camera2
Cheerleading Journey
The sweat and blood put into our awesome routine!
ADSALympics 2010 Cheerleading: Batch 2 Thunder
ADSALympics 2010 Cheerleading: Batch 3 Sirens
champions for ADSAlympics Cheerleading
ADSALympics 2010 Cheerleading: Batch 4 Diazepom
ADSALympics 2010 Amazing Race: Batch 1 Team A
Part 2
Batch 1 Team A, which just so happens to be the winning team..ahem ahem!
So glad I got footage of all the stations except for the banana station. :)