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Histology of cardiovascular system : Blood Vessels


Classification of blood vessels based on the structure

  1. Arteries
    • Elastic, Large or conducting arteriesConduct blood away from the heart.

      Micro-photograph of Artery VS Vein under Light Microscope magnification 4x

      Important in maintaining constant pressure in arterial system

    • Muscular arteries or medium sized arteriesThey distribute the blood to the tissues
  2. Veins
    • Large veins
    • Medium sized veins

Wall of the blood vessels

Typically having three concentric layers.

  1. Tunica intima – innermost layer
  2. Tunica media – middle layer
  3. Tunica adventitia (externa) – outermost layer

Histology of elastic arteries

Histology of Muscular or distributing arteries

Histology of Large veins

Histology of Small & medium sized veins

Narrower than large veins & have thin walls.

Micro-Photograph of Blood Vessels

Below are blood vessels at various magnification.

Micro-photograph of Muscular Artery under Light Microscope magnification 4x

Micro-photograph of Muscular Artery under Light Microscope magnification 10x

Micro-photograph of Aorta – Large Elastic Artery under Light Microscope magnification 10x

Micro-photograph of Muscular Artery under Light microscope magnification 10X

Micro-photograph of Artery VS Vein under Light Microscope magnification 4x

Micro-photograph of Vena Cava – Large Vein under Light Microscope magnification 4x

Micro-photograph of Large Vein under Light Microscope magnification 10x

Micro-photograph of Large Vein – Tunica Intima under Light Microscope magnification 40x

Micro-photograph of Large Vein – Tunica Adventitia under Light Microscope magnification 40x

Micro-photograph of Large Vein – Tunica Media (top) and Adventitia (below) under Light Microscope magnification 40x

Adapted from:
Micro-photograph taken at AIMST University Multi Disciplinary Laboratory during Histology class, using Canon A40 camera over light microscope.

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