On 12th September, 2007, a group of 30 staff from Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) USM has visited AIMST University. This group was headed by their Deputy Director of Administration, Mr. Mohd Saad bin Hj Din. Among them is one of AMDI’s key persons, Dr. Ibrahim Lutfi, the Deputy Director of Academic. The purpose of this visit is to see AIMST new campus, especially to visit our Library Building and Anatomy Museum in Medical Complex. This group was welcomed by the Registrar, Dr. Abdul Rashid Khan and Ms. Munazura Mansor, Head of Library Division. Dr. Rashid gave his welcoming speech followed by the slides presentation, and an introductory session by both staff. The exchange of gifts by both institutions also was held during this session. Immediately after that, they were shown the Administration building, Library, Anatomy Museum and Centre by Mr. Karuna and Ms. Munazura. Lunch was served at the Student Centre and they left AIMST at 12.45pm. Both institutions hoped that this visit will be a start of future collaboration between these two universities.

Source: http://www.aimst.edu.my/about_aimst/archives/amdi/news_amdi.htm